УДК: 615.38:616-036.21-082
DOI: 10.26212/2227-1937.2023.79.70.005
Received: 1 june 2023/ Accepted: 29 june 2023 / Published online: 01july 2023

Maral A. Yerdenova1, – 0002 – 4375-9506
Aigulsum K. Izekenova1, – 3850-8689
Аkbope K. Myrkassymova1,
Gaukhar A. Mergenova1,2,
1Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2Global Health Research Center of Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Resume: The COVID-19 pandemic has presented significant challenges to healthcare systems worldwide, particularly
affecting patients with non-communicable diseases like hematological disorders. These patients are often
immunocompromised and require continuous care, making it crucial to maintain service provision during health crises.
The aim is to study the effectiveness and adaptability of various methods in organizing medical aid for hematological
patients in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, considering the research and practical approaches from different regions
of the world.
Materials and methods: This study employs a literature review methodology, systematically analyzing scholarly articles
from multiple databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. The articles were selected based on specific
inclusion and exclusion criteria, focusing on those published between 2020 and 2023 that discuss the organization of
hematological care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Results: The results demonstrate a global consensus on the importance of adaptive strategies for managing hematological
care amidst the pandemic. Telemedicine has been widely adopted, providing continuity of care, though challenges persist.
Triage protocols were developed to prioritize vulnerable patients, and convalescent plasma therapy emerged as a promising
treatment for high-risk groups. Personalized treatment strategies, considering individual risk assessments and the need to
limit immunosuppressive effects, were also prevalent in the reviewed literature.
Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated novel, scientifically grounded approaches to organize effective
hematological care. Despite the challenges, the healthcare community’s global efforts underscore the resilience and
innovation in health systems. Insights drawn from this study can inform ongoing and future responses to health crises,
thereby ensuring continuity and quality of care for hematological patients.
Keywords: COVID-19, hematological patients, telemedicine, triage protocols, convalescent plasma therapy, personalized
treatment strategies, pandemic response, healthcare organization.

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