Editorial Board of the journal “Phthisiopulminology”

Editorialcomposition of the journal “Phthisiopulmonology”


Candidate of Medical Sciences, Adenov Malik Moldabekovich

Deputy Editor-in-chief:

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Eralieva Lyazzat Tasbulatovna


Editorial boardof the journal “Phthisiopulmonology”

FULL name Degree, academic title, place of work Country THEIR Scopus THEIR Web of Science
1 Shakhimurat Shaimovich Ismailov md, professor

Hydraulic Fracturing Manager GF NNTSF RK

Republic of Kazakhstan 2 3
2 Bismilda Venera Lazarevna K.B.N.

Specialist laboratory microbiologist NRL NSCF RK

Republic of Kazakhstan 5 4