Articles submitted to the editorial office for publication in the journal “Phthisiopulminology” must be reviewed.
The review procedure includes the following steps:
1. Examination of the article by the scientific consultant of the journal for compliance with its main provisions of the requirements for publications approved by the editorial board of the journal. It is carried out within no more than 3 days from the date of receipt of the article in the editorial office.
2. External review is carried out by two specialists of the relevant profile who have an academic degree of at least a doctor of sciences and are not involved in scientific, financial or any other relationships with the authors of the article and the editorial board of the journal. The selection of external reviewers is carried out by the editorial board of the journal or the author of the scientific publication. The review of articles is carried out on a voluntary and gratuitous basis. The review procedure is confidential.
3. The evaluation of the editorial board is carried out for articles preparing for publication in the next issue of the journal. Meetings of the editorial board are held 1 time in 2 months, no later than 1 month before the issue of the edition. The Editorial Board approves the list of articles to be published in the current issue of the journal. It has the right to reject an article that has passed an external review, if the editorial board has questions about some aspects of the article, and send it for additional external review. The selection of a candidate reviewer for additional external review of the article is carried out by the editorial board. A member of the editorial board or editorial board of the journal may be appointed as an additional reviewer. The decision of the editorial board is recorded in the minutes of the meeting. The decision to publish a manuscript that has received a positive review is made at a meeting of the editorial board on the formation of the next issue of the journal.
4. Approval of the content of the issue of the journal by the editor-in-chief, and/or deputy editor-in-chief, and/or scientific consultant is carried out after the technical layout of the issue is completed before submission to the printing house.
5. The author is given the opportunity (if desired) to familiarize himself with the layout of the layout of the article to confirm consent to its publication.
The procedure for informing authors about the results of the review:
After receiving positive reviews, the article is queued for publication in accordance with the priority level determined individually for each article. The author has the opportunity to receive information about the approximate dates of publication also upon his request to the e-mail address.
Upon receipt of negative reviews, the editorial board sends the author a copy of the review and a letter rejecting the publication of the manuscript.
If there is an indication in the review of an article that it needs to be corrected, then it is sent to the author for revision in accordance with the comments of the reviewer or to receive a reasoned (partially or completely) explanation and response to the reviewer. In this case, the date of receipt to the editorial office will be the date of the initial submission of the article.
In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to submit a reasoned response to the editorial board of the journal. The article can be sent for re-reviewing, or for approval by the editorial board.
Articles modified or revised by the author are re-sent for review.
Articles that are not designed in accordance with the publication requirements are not allowed to be published.
Rejected articles after revision by the authors can be submitted to the editorial office again, their consideration is carried out in a general manner.